There is an inner revolution emerging...

It’s happening on yoga mats, meditation cushions, at coops, in creative living spaces and more. With 50+ million people engaged in lifestyles of health, sustainability and spiritual practice, it is fueling a market of personal wellness, organic foods and sustainable products that exceeds 300 billion dollars in the US and inspiring a community to go deeper and transform their lives from the inside out. 

But while wellness soars, so does inequality. 

The Wellbeing Gap in this country is real and wherever there is a higher prevalence of poverty and unemployment, lack of access to housing and public transportation, you find people who are struggling to survive much less be well. We are not separate from the suffering of our people and planet, and a practice rooted in interconnection and compassion calls us to act on behalf of the whole, not just a few. It's time to come together in solidarity, get engaged around issues that matter, and focus our collective power around real collective change that ensures that everyone is well.


CTZNWELL is organizing the community of 50+ million Americans who are waking up, living their values, coming together in community and speaking out around the issues that matter to them. And it’s not just who we are organizing, but how. Our practice gives us the tools, a shared language, safe spaces, and internal resources to confront some of the most difficult issues of our time. We are building a movement from the inside out - one that is centered in personal power, amplified by community and committed to democratizing wellbeing for all.

We define wellbeing as the conditions through which ALL individuals can experience their full human potential.
This calls us to lean into the systems that separate so that no one is left out. Wellbeing brings us back to ourselves,
to what is important in our lives and to one another. It brings together disparate issues and exposes their intersections. And it unites us in mutual responsibility for the wellbeing of the whole. 


All around the country, communities are coming together to take back their power and to take on wellbeing. People like you and me, rallying around healthy food in our schools, access to healing and health care, conservation and clean energy. These groups are taking care of one another, they are having courageous conversations about inequality and injustice and they are taking action. What might look small and local on the surface is uniting to become a collective force that is changing the game and shifting power to where it belongs. To the people. Together, we are catalyzing a nonpartisan political movement that is closing the wellbeing gap and elevating our country to one that works for everyone. 

As allies, we understand that we cannot be effective in service to the movement without centering the voices of frontline communities. We are in relationship with a circle of leaders/organizations who inform development and hold us accountable to our practice of justice and allyship.

Leadership Team


The first issue we took on was minimum wage. CTZNWELL recognized living wage and one’s ability to support themselves and their families as central to wellbeing and joined the coalition of Fight for 15 to raise the wage and ensure everyone has a fair shot at being well. We showed up and marched rally after rally, hosted community conversations and staged sit-ins at the capital. After two years of collective action, we won in New York around the country, transforming the lives of millions of Americans. Since then, we’ve expanded our work to include:

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Democratizing Wellbeing

We are committed to confronting the systemic barriers to wellbeing and have actively participated in campaigns fighting for living wage, food system reform, gender equality, migrant rights and racial justice.


Building a Culture of Solidarity

Central to our “practice” is deepening the understanding of our relationship to systems of oppression and how we can be stronger allies in actively dismantling them. To date we have trained more than 500 leaders in this approach.


Voting as collective care

In 2016, we seeded more than 250 VoteTogether ballot circles to inspire courageous conversations about issues that matter, encourage mindful debate and fill out local ballots leading up to the election. Our efforts directly engaged more than 5000 voters.


When you give to CTZNWELL, you give to the 50+ million people who are waking up and taking action. You empower leaders who are mobilizing their peers around values of interconnection, compassion and sustainability. You support communities who are coming together around issues that matter—like healthy food, access to healthcare and clean water. You ignite an emerging constituency that is resourced and ready to act.

You create a nation that lifts up the wellbeing of all of its people.
